Wayne Levin: Water people

"His unique black and white underwater images create a surreal view of the world, one that continues to fascinate and hold us captive to its endless beauty."
Alysia Earle, Camera Arts

"But in the more environmental work Levin freezes motion into patterns that are transposed into their own sense of visual rhythm…for example when a swirling of water above and corresponding patterns of light and shadow undulating below meet at an undetermined ‘horizon line’ near the middle. This is as articulate, elegant, and beautiful an abstract visual statement as can be made."
      Joseph Walentini, Abstract Art Online

"…these subtle black and white photographs illuminate an entire world: its space, its inhabitants its weight and its visitors…We encounter states of wonder, fear, and exhilaration…a profound sense of the sublime.
      Linda Connor, noted photographer"
and professor, San Francisco Art Institute

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kicking out

Mark under breaking wave

beneath turbulance

Surfer seen trough wave

Pattern of Swimmers, Ironman Triathalon

Fish & Swimmers, Ironman Triathalon

Behind the breaking wave

more at Wayne Levin's website 

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